Monday, June 16, 2014

Psaras Comics Essentials: Daredevil

Oh, hi. I figured out that if I want to do something serious, it better had a certain name. This means the "essential story arcs you need to read in order to study certain superheroes (not just to get familiar with them)" I talked about on my first post will be going under the tag-name "Psaras Comics Essentials" (I am so creative when it comes to name-giving). First dude to get a PCESS (pronunced pee-cee-essss with a Dr. Curt Connors hissing at the end) is the man without fear, Daredevil.
  1. Daredevil: The Man Without Fear
  2. Daredevil Vol.1 #163-#191 (also collected in Daredevil: Visionaries #2 and #3)
  3. Daredevil Vol.1 #227-#233 (Born Again and follow-up)
  4. Daredevil Vol.1 #319-#325 (Fall from Grace)
  5. Daredevil Vol.1 #344-#350 (Matt Murdock has a mental breakdown)
  6. Daredevil Vol.2 #1-#8 (Guardian Devil)
  7. Daredevil Vol.2 #41-#50 (Lowlife, Hardcore)
  8. Daredevil Vol.2 #66-#87 (Golden Age, Decalogue, The Murdock Papers, The Devil Inside and Out)
  9. Daredevil Vol.2 #111-#119 and Daredevil #500 (Lady Bullseye, Return of the King)
  10. Shadowland*
* My last blog post was about Shadowland and you can read it just by clicking here. You don't have to read the whole Shadowland story, just the "Essential Shadowland" I have listed at the end of the post.

You can also add the following story arcs to the above list:
  • Daredevil Visionaries #1 - Right before Daredevil #163 (obviously)
  • The "What if" stories of Visionaries #3 - Right after .2 / Right before .5 / At the end
  • Daredevil Vol.1 #298-#300 (Last Rites) - Between .3 and .4
  • Daredevil Vol.1 #343 - Right before .5 (it is not part of Murdock's metan breakdown story, but it is a pretty good issue leading to it)
 Or read any of those special
  • Marvel Color Series: Daredevil: Yellow
  • Marvel Noir: Daredevil
And of course, any annual, special or crossover issue, either putting it among my list according to its release date, or at the end of it 

Last note: I will add Volume 3 story arcs as soon as I get a good grip of them. If you liked Daredevil, you can just read all 36 issues of Volume 3 and start enjoying Volume 4, which just came out, month after month. You can also start reading "Black Panther: The Man Without Fear" and subsequenty "Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive" right after Shadowland.

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