Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thoughts on Superior Iron Man - #BeSuperior

I got my hands on Superior Iron Man #001 the first day it became available online, but I haven't read the issue until today. My thoughts on this new beginning are written bellow.

I really thought something was going really wrong with Marvel the last year. The Man Without Fear was becoming more of a "Daredevil: The animated series for pre-school children - The Comic Book" and Tony Stark was not eligible for the title of "The Smartest Pure-Human Alive", because he was supposed to be enhanced by alien technology inside his mother's wound (he was still second to Bruce Wayne, but that's another story).

1. Going into Superior Iron Man #001, we know Tony Stark is indeed a pure human, adopted by Howard A. Stark and his wife, Maria. We read on the prologue that after the fight with the Red Skull, a "more sinister Tony Stark evaded changing back", and we see on the first pages that he is back to alcohol drinking. Yet, he doesn't seem prone to alcoholism like every other time this has happened. Plus, he now has an all-new, symbiote-based armor, which is not actually a live organism, but it just works much like a symbiote. This could be not only an upgrade to the Extremis-based armors he could even store inside his bones and neural system, but also another proof that Tony Stark is now smarter and more of a master of himself than ever.

2. Daredevil is out to protect San Fransisco from the villain Tony Stark, and he is not a superhero from a children's TV show. Of course, it's not Bendis or Brubaker Daredevil, but it's way better than the current ongoing series. The story on Daredevil Vol.4 might be getting darker issue after issue, but the pencils and inks are still like a Saturday morning children's show. Tom Taylor needs many more pages to prove this story will be a good one (and I'm counting on him to do it), but Yildiray Cinar only needs one issue; this one.

3. Tony Stark has not become an anti-hero. He's a villain. A drug-lord. And he's much more of a threat to Daredevil (and the rest of the world) than Kingpin.

Superior Iron Man might become one of the best Marvel stories of the 21st century. For me, and not according to my earlier plans, this is the series I will read with every new issue, alongside the new Batman & Robin (and maybe Green Lantern after Godhead ends and I read it all at once). So, please God, don't let them be another clone/impostor/Skrull/Hush stories.

"I let them all feel perfection. Do you have any idea what they'll do to get that back? I want to watch."
- Tony Stark

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